Hallo Gans !
Sudah lama yah saya gk update di blog ini.
Hampir 4 Bulan saya pensi ngulik-ngulik hacking game,dan sekarang saya berniat untuk menguliknya lg :D
Bner-bner ketinggalan info nih, gk tau gimana perkembangan gameguard nya skrng =))
Udah ah basa basinya, Langsung aja !
PHC D3D9 Base
Kelebihan :
- Tampilan menarik
- Penulisan Code rapih & mudah di pahami
- Animated Font
- Navigasi Sound
Kekurangan :
- Menyebabkan sedikit "Lag" dalam game
- Terkadang Crash
- Tidak di pasangi "Hooks" Sehingga mudah terdeteksi gameguard
File Name : PHC D3D Menu (2.50 MB)
Author : Pheron/Pheno
CodeDemon's D3D Menu Base
Kelebihan :
- Simple
- Coding Super simple (Cocok untuk pemula)
- No Lag in-game
Kekurangan :
- Tidak di pasangi "Hooks"
- Tidak di pasangi navigasi Sound
- Font kurang menarik
File Name : CodeDemon's D3D Menu Base (194.5 KB)Author : CodeDemons
Hans211 D3D Base

Menu Features:
- Menu items with multiple custom states like: "Off" "On" or "Head" "Neck" "Spine"
- Text items (nonselectable)
- Folder items
- Minimal code
- Menu items with multiple custom states like: "Off" "On" or "Head" "Neck" "Spine"
- Text items (nonselectable)
- Folder items
- Minimal code
This is a complete D3D framework containing:
- D3D Base, all basic stuff, hooks, font manipulation
- D3D Menu with folders
- Transparent Background function
- Optimized D3Dfont, centered and right aligned text
- Code works for d3d8 or d3d9 (define it in d3dbase.h)
- test programs for d3d8 and d3d9
- All within a 9.5 kb dll
Used existing code parts for the framework from:
- Azorbix: DetourFunc
- Dominik or Patrick: FindPattern
- Gordon : device pointer signature
- D3D Base, all basic stuff, hooks, font manipulation
- D3D Menu with folders
- Transparent Background function
- Optimized D3Dfont, centered and right aligned text
- Code works for d3d8 or d3d9 (define it in d3dbase.h)
- test programs for d3d8 and d3d9
- All within a 9.5 kb dll
Used existing code parts for the framework from:
- Azorbix: DetourFunc
- Dominik or Patrick: FindPattern
- Gordon : device pointer signature
File Name : Hans211 D3D Base (17.KB)Author : Hans211
CA Base D3D Menu Selection V4
- Menu simple tp cantik
- Coding simple & mudah di mengerti
- Navigasi Sound
Kekurangan :
- No Hooks
File Name : CA Base D3D Menu (7.KB)Author : luizimloko
Revival : Topblast Menu Base v1.3
Features included :
- Class Start
- One Class Control
- Memory Class
- With the Memory class comes the ability to ReadBytes at an Address
- Hook Class
- Including your D3D's hooks
- GameInfo Class
- A Place to initialize your Classes and Your Game's Functions
- Menu Class [ Topblast Menu v1.3 | Also any DrawBox functions you want comes from this Class]
- I cant even go over this whole menu because the code so messy "You are WARNED"
- Support Polymorphism
- Hook's Space
- Polymorphism's Space
{I remove the Hook and Polymorphism because well you should make your own and i don't want to post converted code from @Departure 's base, If you will like the hook and/or Polymorphism I need Departure's approval.}
File Name : Revival D3D Base (20.KB)Author : TopBlast
"Jangan segan untuk bertanya, bila agan kesulitan silahkan tinggalkan komentar di bawah, maka akan saya bantu semaksimal mungkin "
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